The dancers

yumma mudra
Founder of the Danza Duende International School, Yumma Mudra (Myriam Szabo) became a professional dancer in the Russian Ballet Irina Grjebina at the age of 12 in Paris. Franco-hungarian Yumma Mudra is an expert in the work of bringing an actual presence to our daily lifes through dancing. A "Choresopher", she has founded the Salamantras Dance Company following an invitation of her friend Roby Lakatos for her to coreograph a group of dancers for his show. Her book "LA VOIE QUI DANSE" (The Dancing Path) was published in 2012 in France by Editions Francois Bourin name.
alessandra centonze

Alessandra is the art director and the main teacher at Metiss’Art Danza Arte e Benessere dal Mondo ASD, that has been one of the first center in Europe where the teaching of world dances has been proposed in an holistic perspective. She teaches and performs Danza Duende and Oriental Duende and gives workshops of folk dances from Arabic world. She has been invited in international festivals and events aimed at culture dissemination. Alessandra is a Meditation Guide and practicioner in the Shambhala Lineage, held by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche.

anastasia francaviglia
Dancer and teacher Anastasia Francaviglia grew up in Sicily where she began studying ballet and modern dance at the age of four. Over the years she has studied modern jazz, swimming, majorettes, juggling, and pyrotechnics. Her work as a dancer, teacher, and artist is characterized by originality, refinement, and elegance. She is ever in search of new stimuli that can enrich both her considerable technical skills and personal style as a means of expressing her authentic human spirit.
carolina fonseca

A teacher, a performer, a poetess and a Buddhist practitioner, Carolina Fonseca is an artist specialised in world and Gipsy dances. A true 'skydancer', Carolina has been travelling, teaching and performing danza duende acts in the four corners of the world. A "Gypsy Duende" soloist dancer in Palinka Dance Co. and in SALAMANTRAS, she stands out as an extremely elegant, surprising and original performer. Her work as a dance teacher and innovative coreographer has been featured in several worldwide dance festivals and cultural projects.
cristina manrique

With a degree in History of Art, Cristina has always been interested in body and movement. Dancing since the age of 8, she studied flamenco for ten years and later specialized in Middle-Eastern dance. A yoga practitioner for more than 10 years, in 2005 she meets Yumma Mudra and joins the Danza Duende project, where she meets La Negra with whom she creates different events in Barcelona. She has also collaborated with artists such as David Ymbernon in Catalan festivals of Art & Theatre. She has recently done a Master’s Degree in Theatre of the Senses: Dramaturgy of Feeling and the Poetics of the Significant Coincidence.

mónica roncon
Spanish-Portuguese Mónica started her dancing path with Flamenco and Escuela Bolera, and has been studying and researching European Rom Dances since 2002. With a degree in Languages & Litterature and studies of music and percussion, she is particulary sensitive to the subtleties of the rhythmic and musical element of dance, art and nature. She performs and teaches all over Europe and in South America in the context of the Danza Duende School since 2000. She is a dancer and coreographer of the Palinka Dance Co. and a soloist Gypsy Duende dancer in Salamantras.

victoria ivanova
A Siberian artist with an Andalusian heart and an Italian soul, Victoria Ivanova is a dancer of the world. A soloist performer in Salamantras and an acclaimed Middle Eastern dancer in the Bailanova project, Victoria has been organising and collaborating in the organisation of several renowned international dance projects for many years now. Well trained in body/mind dance approaches, Victoria stands out as an extremely charismatic artist, a free and joyful spirit, who brings her art to the world and passes it on to her students with happiness and love.